Als je een dissertatie wilt gaan schrijven, ontkom je er niet aan één fundamentele vraag te beantwoorden: welke onderzoeksmethode moet ik daarbij gaan hanteren? Begeef je je met jouw promotieonderzoek op het brede gebied van Early Modern Studies (zeg maar: Cultuurwetenschappen over de periode 1450-1850)? Dan is de Ph.D-conferentie ‘Early Modern Studies: A Meeting on Method’ van de Group Early Modern Studies op 20 mei 2011 aan de Universiteit van Gent wellicht interessant voor jou. Daarin staat de relatie tussen onderzoeksobject en onderzoeksmethodiek centraal. Je kunt er zelf een korte presentatie geven over jouw onderzoeksonderwerp en de daarbij gekozen of te kiezen onderzoeksmethodiek. Daarover wordt vervolgens gediscussieerd.
When writing a Ph.D. in any field of study one of the crucial questions students have to ask themselves is ‘How do I go about this?’ or, in other words, ‘What is my method of research?’ Answers to the crucial question of one’s methodology are generally steered by the object of research itself. We would like students to reflect upon the relationship between object and method of research and to think through this relationship. Why is the object that we investigate best served by the method that we employ? How differently would another methodology construe the object of our attention? Inversely, which objects do certain methodologies on average ‘prefer?’ Is there a specific reason for this type of preference?
We would like to invite proposals for research-presentations by Ph.D. students working in the field of Early Modern studies, that address these and other issues that concern the relationship between research object and methodology. These brief presentations will serve as the starting point of a subsequent discussion among junior and senior researchers in the field.
Participants can send a short summary of their research project to and
Deadline for submission is November 15th.
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