Dat was althans de prikkelende openingsstelling van de eerste OSL-bijeenkomst over ‘New Sociologies of Literature’. Als dit waar is, als de literatuurwetenschapper deels socioloog is, wat is dan precies het object van zijn studie? Kunnen we dan nog zeggen dat het studieobject van de literatuurwetenschap ‘de tekst’ is?
‘to provide an account of literary texts an practices by reference to the social forces of their production, the social meanings of their formal particulars, and the social effects of their circulation and reception.’(viii)
‘Recordingnot filtering out, describingnot disciplining, these are the Laws and Prohets.’ (55)
‘As the largest discipline in the humanities, and the centre of its interdisciplinary formations, literary studies has shouldered much of the burden of critique and resistance to this encroachment, defending qualitative models and strategies against the naive or cynical quantitative paradigm that has become the doxa to higher eduction managment. Under these institutional circumstances, antagonism towards counting has begun to feel like an urgent struggle for survival.’ (xiii)
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