Dates: May 12th-13th, 2016
Place: Perdu, Kloveniersburgwal 86, Amsterdam
In this symposium, we focus on understanding and modeling the cultural transmission of stories and songs. Topics include the (computational) modeling of narrative contents of stories, the identity and stability of melodies in oral transmission, relationships between melody and text in singing and chanting, and so on. The symposium will demarcate the conclusion of the Tunes and Tales project, which was carried out at the Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, 2012-2016.
Keynote lectures will be given by Jamie Tehrani (Durham University), Philip Bohlman (University of Chicago), and Victoria Williamson (University of Sheffield). For abstracts, please consult the website of the symposium.
We will provide the participants of the symposium the opportunity to present their own work in a poster session. We invite poster contributions from Dutch and international researchers related to the theme of the conference. Please, send in your abstract (max. 300 words) by email (, including your name, affiliation, and title of the poster. The deadline for submission is April 22nd 2016.
If you want to attend the symposium, please, send an email message to stating your name and affiliation. There is no fee. Lunch will be provided for those who have registered.
Please, forward this announcement to whoever you think would be interested.
For further information, please visit our website:
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