- Name of the unit where the competition is announced:
Faculty of English
- Competition reference number: 11/Ang/professor wizytujący /1/2017
- Position and its place within the unit:
Visiting professor in the Department of Dutch and South African Studies
- Type of employment:
Full time
- Base for the employment relation:
Employment contract
- Expected duration of employment:
Contract for a specified time
- Should this be the principal employment yes/no:
- Requisite qualifications and manner of documenting them:
- D. degree in humanities
- Proficiency and a near-native command of Dutch and English, very good command of academic English and Dutch
- Experience in teaching of subjects from the Dutch and English studies area, especially history of culture and history of the Dutch and English languages, including experience in working at universities from outside of the Dutch or/and English language-speaking area
- A record of and a potential for publications of academic papers in indexed journals
- Experience in conducting research in the field of Dutch linguistics, English linguistics and general knowledge of history and culture of the Low Countries, as well as experience in conducting research projects
- History of active participation in academic conferences and seminars
- Experience in performing administrative and organizational duties.
The successful candidate should be a reliable member of the University staff, a flexible and creative person, demonstrating their own initiative. They are expected to be actively involved in high quality research and be fully committed to the activities of the Department and the Faculty; they should be a team player, who regularly applies for external funding and grants for academic projects and manages them. They are expected to conduct research within their own field as well as interdisciplinary research, and be involved in promotion of the studies and of the institution (the Department, the Faculty and Adam Mickiewicz University), and be willing to enter into co-operation with other researchers within the Faculty of English and outside of it.
Three key words: Dutch linguistics, English linguistics, historical and cultural background of the Dutch language
List of additional documents to be submitted:
- candidate’s application with a cover letter, addressed to the Deputy University Rector for Personnel and Development (the application should contain a clause: I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data as included in this offer for recruitment purposes, in line with the Law of 29 August 1997 on personal data protection, Journal of Laws no. 133 item 883 with further amendments)
- filled out questionnaire
- CV
- copy of a diploma or a certificate of obtaining a doctoral degree, photocopies of other diplomas
- statement that Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań will be the principal employer
- references from previous employers
- photograph
- Deadline for, place and manner of submitting documents:
28.04.2017 Dean’s Office of the Faculty of English
The documents should be sent to the address of the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of English, al. Niepodległości 4, 61-874 Poznań or submitted in person to the Dean’s Office
- Manner of candidates’ evaluation:
Analysis of the documents submitted by the applicants prior to the deadline. The commission may also apply other ways of candidates’ qualifications evaluation such as a job interview, multimedia presentation or classes/lectures for students.
- Projected date of competition results announcement: 12.05.2017
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