On Friday, June 1, and Saturday, June 2, 2018, the biennial International Conference for Netherlandic Studies will take place in Bloomington, Indiana. The theme of the conference will be “The Changing Lowlands,” broadly conceived.
Keynote speaker: Frits van Oostrom
Workshop for Dutch Language Instructors: TBA
Visual games of the Low Countries
arly Modern Dutch Handwriting and Archival Research Workshop: Jesse Sadler
Conference Date & Location
June 1–2 2018 at Indiana University, Bloomington campus, Indiana.
Conference Theme
This conference focuses on changes in Netherlandic culture, broadly defined as any change of culture through language, literature, art or creative expression. Special encouragement is given to paper proposals in the following areas:
● Dutch literature and its international circulation ;
● Dutch/Flemish art;
● Dutch linguistics ;
● (Art)History of the Low Countries and colonial regions.
Topics of general sessions might include: History: Early-Modern, 19th – & 20th -Century Literature, 16th -Century Art & Literature, Colonialism, Early-Modern Literature, 20th -Century History, Early-ModernArt History, 17th-Century Art, Afrikaans, Linguistics, 20th -Century Film, 19th – & 20th -Century Literature, and Local Dutch-American History.
You are invited to submit an abstract of a paper from your own field, as seen through the prism of the conference theme, “The Changing Lowlands.” Paper proposals on other topics or themes are also most welcome – an ICNS tradition. Select papers may be included in a conference publication to follow. Graduate students are especially encouraged to participate. Four travel grants of $500 each will be awarded to graduate students who present a paper. For full consideration, please submit abstracts of 250 words, (accompanied by curriculum vitae) to eham@indiana.edu with “ICNS Abstract” in the subject line by December 1, 2017. Acceptance notifications will be given by January 15, 2018.
Registration begins on 1 January Logistics/hotel information will be available at the AANS website by mid October, 2017. Cost for the conference will be $100 for general registration and $50 for student registration.
AANS membership is required in order to attend the conference. The fees are $90 for standard membership, which includes a Dutch Crossings subscription, $50.00 for full-time graduate students, and $50.00 for emeriti/retired.
Conference Coordinators:
Esther Ham, Director of the Dutch Program, Indiana University Bloomington and Bret Rothstein, Associate Professor, Department of Art History, adjunct Professor in Germanic Studies
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