A note from the series editors, Jack McMartin and Sara Ramos Pinto
“In May 2024, we took the decision to update the series’ name from Translation, Interpreting and Transfer to Translation, Interpreting and Mediation (TIME). By replacing ‘transfer’ with ‘mediation’, we seek to more explicitly foreground the situatedness of translation, the interpretive and social agency of translators, and the media-specific constraints and affordances involved in conveying meaning in new forms. At the same time, we want to move away from the traditional notion of translation as the conveyance of invariant and stable meanings across languages and cultures, a notion often associated with ‘transfer’.”
Mission statement
Championing a broad and transversal approach to the study of translational phenomena, Translation, Interpreting and Mediation (TIME) is a book series for monographs and edited volumes that explore translation as a pervasive social practice connecting spaces and collectivities through complex forms of resemiotization and mediation.
Read more: https://lup.be/book-series/translation-interpreting-and-mediation/
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